Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The Perpetual Malcontent

yes, i've finally decided to change the blog's title. having discovered that someone else had thought of using audi alteram partem as a blog title, i've felt uncomfortable using it. plus, uniqueness and originality matter to me.

this is the 2nd time for me to change titles. i started with up, up & everywhere, something that just floated into me whilst staring at the blank space after "blog title." it had no specific meaning or reason for being chosen. then, i found audi in a dictionary and thought it might be a cool blog title. it soon became apparent that it was a lame decision on my part.

and now, this blog is called the perpetual malcontent, somewhat a brief description of what i believe myself to be. i hope this title sticks. but being a perpetual malcontent, i can't bring myself to believe it.

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