Tuesday, May 25, 2004

My keyboard prayer

(my adaptation of the rifle prayer)

this is my keyboard,
there are many models like it, but this one is MINE.
my keyboard (though crappy) is my best friend. it is my life.
i must master it as i will master my life.
my keyboard without me is useless, without my keyboard, i can't blog.
i must blog with my keyboard true.
i must type quicker than my opponent who disputes against me.
i must shoot his arguments before he shoots mine. i will...
my keyboard and myself know what counts in this debate.
it is not the sophisticated words we use, the rationalizations we make, or the confusion we create. we know that it is the truth that counts. we will be truthful...
my keyboard is human, even as i, because it is my life.
thus i will learn it as a brother.
i will study its defects, its uses, its components, its shortcut keys and their functions.
i will even guard it against the ravages of keyboard rage and typing abuse.
i will keep my keyboard clean and ready, even though i'm not.
we will become a part of each other, we will...
before an unknown creative being out there, i swear this creed.
my keyboard and myself are the defenders of my blog.
we are the masters of our opponents. we are the saviors of my sanity.
so be it, until triumph is ours, and there is no dispute but understanding

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