Sunday, May 23, 2004

Lemme clarify...

there's a flaw in my argument, and it lies in whether minor surgery should be banned in the same manner as abortion since the probability of the surgeon botching the operation and the possibility of unexpected complications still remain like that of abortion.

for this, we should not confuse abortion with something like a Tonsillectomy. the latter is therapeutic, it seeks to remove a defective organ in the body, which may cause further complications for the individual. the former, on the other hand, seeks to destroy a distinct, living, whole and complete being, even if appears to be just a mass of fleshy tissue, and not just a defective organ peculiar to the mother. there is no therapheutic effect here, it's just plain infanticide. my arguments, here and especially in the preceeding post, simply aims to expose the fallacy behind the justifications for the legalization of abortion under the guise of safer surgery for women.

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