1. Warm-up. Sustain /i/ as long as possible on a comfortable note.
2. Stretching. Glide from the lowest to the highest note in the
frequency range, using /o/.
3. Contraction. Glide from the highest to the lowest note in the
frequency range, again using /o/.
4. Adductory Power Exercises. Sustain the notes C, D, E, F, and G
(still using /o/) as long as possible. Middle C for females, one
octave below for males.
The exercises should be done twice in a row, as softly as possible,
with easy onset and forward placement of tone. The optimum frequency
is 5-6 times per week, with a 6-8 week program providing the
greatest physiological improvement.
Regular, short periods of exercising are preferable to occasional
long sessions. Although these exercises are designed to maintain a
healthy voice and prevent problems, they should never be seen as a
substitute for voice therapy. You should seek professional advice
before starting on a vocal exercise program, especially in the
presence of throat discomfort or a change in voice quality.
Here are some *Vocal Use Practices* I found in another article. They're basically practical, common-sense stuff:
Vocal Use Practices
1. Avoid hyperfunctional use of your voice, i.e., learn to use your voice with as little effort and tension as possible. A high school or collegiate singer in training should be able to sing for 3-4 hours per day (when healthy) without debilitating the next day's singing activity. If one cannot sing for this length of time without some disablement, then one should consider a reevaluation of present singing or speaking habits.
2. Keep in mind that the degree of individual vocal conditioning and innate vocal capacity to endure wear and tear relate directly to the amount of singing or speaking one can do each day.
3. Avoid singing in a tessitura which is continually near the extremes of your own range (both high and low). Carefully pace the use of register extremes (such as pushing the chest voice into the upper range for effect, i.e, belting).
4. Before singing or using the voice in unusual ways (public/dramatic speaking), do some vocal warm-ups. As in any physical activity, the warm-up should proceed from general stretching through less strenuous to more strenuous usage. Loud volume and high range are the most strenuous of usages,therefore, begin in the mid-range with easy production. At every stage along the way, evaluate your present day vocal condition, and adjust your rehearsal activity accordingly. Every voice is different, but 7-10 minutes of warm-up is usually the minimum.
5. Reduce general voice use prior to a concert. While riding the bus to the program, have a quiet period when everyone can conserve energy for the task that is at hand.
6. Avoid shouting, screaming,loud laughter, and heavy throat clearing. Necessary coughing and sneezing should be as gentle and as nonvocal as possible.
7. If it feels bad, don't do it.