Thursday, July 12, 2007

Missal of Benedict XVI?

In the past, the revised versions of the Roman Missal was named in honor of the Pontiff who promulgated it. For example, in the old mass, the 1962 Missal is known as the Missal of Pope John XXIII and for the new mass, the 2002 Missal is known as the Missal of John Paul. In both cases, the pontiffs inserted items and tweaked in small revisions in the Missal.

Now in Article 6 of SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM reads:
In Masses celebrated with the people according to the Missal of Blessed John XXIII, the Readings can be proclaimed even in the vernacular, using editions that have received the recognition of the Apostolic See.

Someone should correct me, but doesn't this decree constitute a revision in the 1962 Missal that would in effect make it the 2007 Missal of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass aka the Benedict XVI Missal?

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