as my posts have revealed earlier, this is a blatant lie rehashed over and over again. "muslims are the real suffering victims" is a mind-numbing, mantra-like excuse, which gains acceptance as truth because of constant repetition geared towards an audience that readily accepts it as truth.
newsflash: muslims have no monopoly on suffering, discrimination or victimhood. christians around the world suffer under various circumstances, but you don't see them whining and blowing up people to bits. in fact they tend to suffer with silent humility. thus i believe that the whole fantasy about the sufferings muslims bear being a result of conspired attack against them is borne from their belief that anyone but muslims should undergo suffering. and so i find it my duty to refute with savage honesty and brutish clarity such imaginary tales of muslim suffering around the world and the so-called legitimacy it gives to jihadists to blow up people who have no direct involvement in their so-called suffering.
but the nasty part of this is that this lie mutates into forms uglier than its parent. this is was made apparent recently when militants staged another one of their freedom attacks in riyadh. they actually believed their own lies about being sieged by crusaders in their own land. one witness gave an account:
"They gave me a lecture on Islam and said they were defending their country and ridding it of infidels. The gunmen were so polite. I cannot comprehend this politeness they showed me because I am a Muslim and this cruelty to others,"
once again they are not the nutty fringe groups, but mainstream idealogues that basically quit the masquerade and showed their true colors. and their intent is to defend islam and the arabian peninsula from unarmed, defenseless kafir workers cum crusaders who were hell bent on despoiling the holy places of islam by being cooks, waiters, engineers, and other subsiervant roles that the . riiiiiiggghttt.... they attack the weak, hoping that "cowardly foreigners will cowardly scramble into the desert and die like the dogs they are." yep, they're macho guys alright.
is freedom from suffering the exclusive right of muslims? i'm beginning to think that is the framework of radical islam. it's ok for christians and other non-muslims to suffer, but with muslims it should not be so. that's the message these people are spreading and the message they themselves believe no matter how out of touch with reality it is. so muslims tend to cry foul and discrimination when non-muslims basically inconvenience them in some way. the bad reality is that some young fanatic brings the verbal protest into a real, concrete and deadly fireball.
one evidence that truly destroys the muslim victimhood argument for legitimizing violent action comes from the heroic example of palestinian christians.
the palestinian intifada ranks among the top items in the islamic victimhood list. they say that muslims in palestine are being short-changed by the west, thus the indiginites they undergo and their suffering should be avenged in jihad.
well, the fallacy falls when one realizes that not all palestinians are muslims. a significant but thinning minority in palestine and refugees in neighboring arab countries proudly call themselves christians who can trace their ancestry back to the first pentecost.
these christians are as nationalistic as any nationalistic palestinian out there. they are in complete solidarity with their fellow countrymen. they've endured the same misfortunes as their muslim palestinian brothers. many of them have died. they're involved politically and socially in the struggles of their fellow palestinians who happen to be muslim. they have never been exempt from any of the terrible events in palestine, but there's significant difference: they avoid the violent acts their muslim counterparts normally and routinely do in their intifada. that alone testifies deeply against the hate-filled policies of the jihadists among their ranks.
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