international pro-abortion advocates often claim that only illegal abortions are unsafe. Thus, to address maternal deaths due to unsafe abortions, they argue that nations should recognize a broad right to abortion.but recently,
Dr. Gunta Lazdane, European Regional Advisor to WHO on Reproductive Health and Research, said that, "up to 20 percent of maternal deaths are due to abortion, even in those situations where abortion is legal... there is a question whether 'safe' abortion is safe."i have long found the pro-abortion excuse that only illegal abortions are unsafe and that legalizing it would make it safer, just plainly weird and unrealistic. i mean does making something legal necessarily make it safe? of course this perspective would stem from interpreting that argument in its narrowest sense, but even if legalizing abortion would provide for a more regulated and supervised *industry*, the risk of the death of the mother still remains. merely transferring the venue of the operation from a clandestine location to a mainstream clinic or hospital, or providing the abortionists better tools, or making sure that the abortionists have the proper training to perform their art, doesn't necessarily make them safe. the very fact that there are half-baked, malpracticing (does the word exist?) doctors out there, means that there would always be botched up operations resulting in death or permanent injury even if the operations would be so mundane and very legal like a Tonsillectomy or an Appendectomy. and even if the best surgeon happens to be the one performing a young lad's minor surgery, unseen and unpredictedable complications still have the habit of showing their ugly, unwelcome heads around to ruin the child's life. so the logic behind the pro-abortion groups' arguments is simply laughable.
now we learn that 1 in 5 women die from "safe" and legal abortions. this is a very significant number, no small number one may easily dismissively ignore. the solution for the reducing the number of maternal death from abortion will never be found in legalizing that which causes their deaths in the first place. the arguments for legalizing abortion are just counter intuitive. would a sound, reasonable person ask that crack cocaine be legalized since keeping it illegal merely encourages an addict's perpetually addictions to drugs? if you answer "heck no!, that's just plain stupid" then you basically get my point. the solution then would have to be the totally eradication of abortion, that is, making it illegal, creating the social conditions to make it unacceptable to have one, and making all possible abortion alternatives available to mothers. could this be possibly done? answer: yes! this course of action is in no way unprecedented. back in the days of the roman empire, abortions and infanticide was a common, acceptable practice. it vanished and became taboo when christianity became the prevalent faith among the romans. the church did implement the action i have described above. now if the ancient peoples were capable of doing it, couldn't we advanced, sophisticated, modern humans do better?
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